I8510 Usb Driver Download


Update usb 3.0 drivers windows 10

Update Usb Drivers Windows 10

Get the latest owner's manuals, firmware and software updates for you Samsung devices in one easy-to-navigate location: the Samsung Download Center. Trouble connecting Samsung Galaxy W I8150 to Computer? Download and Install Official Samsung Galaxy W I8150 USB Driver for Windows 7, 10, 8, 8.1 or XP PC. Also, download Samsung Galaxy W I8150 ADB Driver & Fastboot Driver which helps in installing the Firmware, ROM's and other files.

Usb Driver Download Windows 10

Windows 7 Usb Driver Install

How to download ROM Image for Samsung S60 Phones
1. Preparation

A. Apollo v5.25
B. USB driver for Apollo
i. PDA : SSDN_V1.1.808.7165_SETUP_whql.exe
ii. PHONE : SAMSUNG Mobile USB DRIVER( v1.6.zip
C. unrar.dll for Apollo
D. MS xml parser : Msxml.msi
E. USB Cable
F. I8510 phone with almost fully charged battery(more than 3 battery bars)
2. Concepts and Cautions
A. Binary is devided for 2 images, PDA and Phone. PDA image consists of CODE and CSC.
B. Do Not power off the phone or disconnect cable during download.
C. Use right version of Apollo written in ‘Release Note’.
D. Vesions of CODE, CSC and PHONE should be matched correctly according to ‘Release Note’ when you download. If the combination is wrong, phone may not work.
E. Phone LCD will show the downloading progress bar when you download CODE and CSC, however it will not show the progress bar during PHONE download. Instead Apollo shows the progress.
3. USB Driver Installation
A. Excute SSDN_V1.1.808.7165_SETUP_whql.exe to setup PDA driver.
B. Unzip SAMSUNG Mobile USB DRIVER( v1.6.zip, setup PHONE driver with setup.exe.
4. How to make sure Driver installation
A. Launch Apollo.
B. How to make sure PDA Driver
i. Power on the phone with 1 + 4 button pressed.(PDA Download Mode)
ii. When you connect phone to PC, you can see the message like the picture below. This means PDA Driver is installed well.
C. How to make sure PHONE Driver
i. Power off the phone and Power on with 7 + * key pressed.(MODEM DOWNLOAD Mode)
ii. When you connect phone to PC, you can see the message like the picture below. This means PHONE Driver is installed well.
5. Release
A. PHONE Release
i. Phone binary is release by Modem Team, the releationship between PDA and PHONE is written in ‘Release Note’. Therefore you should check ‘Release Note’ to know correct CODE and CSC version for PHONE.
ii. In myProject, you can find the ‘Release Note’ at Baseband Binary.
B. PDA release consists of CODE and CSC.
i. FULL(CODE + CSC) Release
1. CODE and several CSC are released concurrently, in myProject CODE and CSC will be zipped as one file. The zip file is uploaded in Phone Binary part.
2. There exists PreSetTable.xml with some binary files in the zip file.
ii. CODE Release
1. After FULL Release, modified CODE is released without CSC modification.
2. In myProject, it is uploaded at Phone Binary part. There are CODE binary and PreSetTable.xml in the zip file.
iii. CSC Release
1. Without modification for CODE, modified CSC is released.
2. In myProject, it is uploaded at CSC Binary part, there are CSC binary and PreSetTable.xml in the zip file.
6. How to Download
!!! Make sure CODE, CSC, PHONE mapping in ‘Release Note’, and then download with the correct version . After download, press *#1234# and check CODE, CSC and PHONE version . This is very important!!!
i. CODE + CSC + PHONE Download(FULL Release)
1. In myProject, download FULL Release and PHONE binary.
2. Launch Apollo, press button to select PHONE binary.
3. Press button and select PreSetTable.xml.
4. Choose Country at ‘Country:’ , choose Operator at ‘ Operator:’.
5. Confirm CODE and CUSTOM version.
6. Power on the phone with 4 + * key pressed(ALL DOWNLOAD Mode)
7. When you connect phone to PC with USB, Modem is attached.
8. In PDA Status, check all the settings below are fine(default settings)
9. Select Model Name at ‘Model:’.
10. Press to start all download.
11. After PHONE is download first, the device will be re-booted automatically. And then CODE and CSC will be downloaded. If the phone is not re-booted automatically, detach the usb cable of the phone and power off. Power on with 1+4 key pressed, and the re-attach to PC. Then PDA binary will be downloaded automatically.
ii. PHONE Download Only
1. Proceed from the step’i-1.’ to ’i-3.’
2. Turn on the device with 7 + * key pressed(Modem Download Mode)
3. Do from ‘i.-7’ to ‘i.-9’.
4. Press button to start download.
iii. CODE + CSC Download Only
1. Do ‘i.-1’ , ‘i-3’, ‘i-4’, ‘i-5’.
2. Turn on the device with 1 + 4 key pressed and connect to PC to attach PDA part.
3. Do ‘i.-8’.
4. Press button to start PDA download.
iv. CODE Download Only
1. In myProject, Download CODE Release and unzip.
2. Do ‘i.-3’~’i-5’.
3. Power On the phone with 1 + 4 key pressed and connect to PC with USB to attach PDA part.
4. At PDA Status, Select ‘CODE’. Check options like this.
5. Press button to start download.
v. CSC Download Only
1. In myProject, download CSC Release and unzip.
It is impossible to download only with CSC Release in case of some Releases(before 2008/09/11 version) . In this case, to download the binary find CODE binary first that is mapped the CSC you want to download, in myProject. Unzip CODE, and overwrite the CSC and then Do things below.
2. Do ‘i.3~5’.
3. Power on the phone with 1 + 4 key pressed. Connect the device to PC then PDA is attached.
4. Select CSC at PDA Status. Uncheck ‘Bootloader’ option.
5. Press to start download.
7. Troubleshooting
A. If the device is not attached after the Driver installation,
i. Change USB Cable and Phone.
ii. Try with another PC.
iii. Consult R&D Team.
B. Download stops in the middle
i. Close and launch Apollo again then try again.
ii. Check the phone is charged enough.
C. Download doesn’t start
i. Check the connection between Apollo and a phone.
ii. Select an image again.
iii. Check the image is not damaged.
iv. Check Apollo version matches with the image.
D. Phone doesn’t boot up after downloading
i. Check CODE, CSC and PHONE Vesion
good luck